Weekly Church Announcements November 10, 2024



    Dear Members, Adherents & Friends of Highland Hills Pastoral Charge,

    Attached are the Worship Order of Service for Sunday at 9:30 AM, and the Monthly Announcement sheet for November.

    Everyone Is Welcome!

    Some Additional Announcements and the

    Worship Instructions below...


    Highland Hills United Church offers combined In-Person and Zoom services at 9:30 am. Masking is welcomed.



    Financial update to September 30 for the HHUC General (Operating) Fund. Income for this period was $94,358 and the expenses were $125,084 resulting in a deficit of $30,726. Our budget for the year had predicted a deficit of about 1/3 of this amount. Several factors have contributed to these greater than anticipated expenses. The Lift’s emergency phone was only compatible with the Bell system requiring a separate Bell line and subsequent monthly charges. In late spring the manse was sold and the proceeds invested anticipating that the income earned would offset any increase in salary. The first payment of this income is not expected until mid November, so the extra compensation amount has been debited against the General Fund. Once a routine is established in 2025, the income from the investment should cover the increase in compensation. Having told you about the bad news for this Fund, I can report that the overall income/expense in all Funds for the church for this period resulted in only a $6,025 deficit. The Lift Fund total from its start, 2 years ago in September 2022 to date, has Income from fundraising and donations of $25,724.66 and expenses of $61,396.18. The balance was covered with money from Building/storage, Planned Giving and Investments Funds. I am not reporting on the remaining Funds for HHUC and HHPC as they are funds that expenses incurred are based on income received.  Thank you for your continued financial support of our church. 

    Erskine Flook, Treasurer



    Join us on Thursday December 5th at 2:00 pm at Mulligans Pub & Patio in Minden.  Tickets are available Sunday Mornings and at the church office.  A Traditional Christmas Dinner with Turkey/Ham.  Only 4 weeks left…. Tickets are $30 pp with 80 tickets available. 


    Thank you to everyone for your generosity this year in giving to the M&S Fund.  Our objective was $16,000 and we are nearly there!  As of the end of September we are over $15,000.


    Sunday November 10thMinden Bible Church will be partnering with Life 100.3 showing the movie “UNSUNG HERO(the celebrated true story of Helen & David Smallbone who moved from Down Under to the U.S. with nothing more than their 7 children, suitcases & love of music.)  Doors open at 5:30 pm.  Movie to start at 6:00 pm.  Admission is $5 pp, Children under 12 $2.  Proceeds to Life 100.3.  Popcorn sales proceeds to Pregnancy Care Centre.


    Diner’s Club: Our Diner’s Club convener this year is Marie Lennard and it is being held on the second Thursday of every month; next one is on November 14th.  If you are interested in any future dinners, please call Marie to get on the calling list at 705-286-3037.


    Knitting For Warmth Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.  HHUC Lower Level.  For more information about KFW contact Mary at 705-286-5173.  


    Love Singing?  Consider joining the Choir!  Melissa and the Choir are seeking new voices to sing the hymns and an anthem each Sunday plus to prepare for the Christmas Cantata.  Rehearsals are on Thursdays between 4:30 and 5:30 weekly.  Join us for a limited time until the end of December or continue on being pat of the choir family indefinitely.  All singing voices welcome!



    Please plan to join for one or some: Lunch served at 11:30 am

    Friday November 15th : St Paul’s Anglican Church with a Bake & Craft Sale prior and during.

    Friday November 22nd : HH United Church with a Bakesale starting at 11:00 am.

    Friday November 29th : Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church

    Friday December 6th :  Minden Bible Church at Highland Hills United Church


    Trinity United Church in Bobcaygeon is celebrating its anniversary service Sunday November 17th at 10:30 am.  Everyone is welcome and lunch will be served afterwards.  The guest speaker will be Tori Mullen.


    Monday November 18th at 1:30 Lower Level of HHUC there will be an Affirming Committee Meeting.


    November 19th at 7:00 pm via Zoom.  Environment Haliburton is hosting a Virtual Enviro-Café: “Stormy Weather: Can we Adapt to Climate ExtremesFor more information fall 705-457-9239.


    Friday November 30th at HHUC 7 pm Abbey Gardens will be hosting a Concert.  For more information contact Angela Kruger at angela@abbeygardens.ca



    Rev. Max


Service Sunday November 17, 2024


Service Sunday November 10, 2024