Weekly Church Announcements December 1, 2024


    Dear Members, Adherents & Friends of Highland Hills Pastoral Charge,

    Attached are the Worship Order of Service for Sunday at 9:30 AM, and the Monthly Announcement sheet for December.

    Everyone Is Welcome!

    Some Additional Announcements and the

    Worship Instructions below...


    Highland Hills United Church offers combined In-Person and Zoom services at 9:30 am. Masking is welcomed.



    Please plan to join for one or some: Lunch served at 11:30 am

    Friday November 29th : Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church

    Friday December 6th :  Minden Bible Church at Highland Hills United Church


    Friday November 29th at HHUC 7 pm Abbey Gardens will be hosting a Concert.  For more information contact Angela Kruger at angela@abbeygardens.ca


    Sunday December 1st We will celebrate our 1st Advent Communion, HOPE and we ask you to join us and plan your own in-home communion elements if you are worshipping through zoom.  Pre-filled cups will be available at church, or you are welcome to bring your own communion.



    Cut off date for tickets will be Tuesday December 3rd by 12 noon


    Join us on Thursday December 5th at 2:00 pm at Mulligans Pub & Patio in Minden.  Tickets are available Sunday Mornings and at the church office.  A Traditional Christmas Dinner with Turkey/Ham.  Only 4 weeks left…. Tickets are $30 pp with 80 tickets available. 


    Highlands Festival Singers…Wishing You a Merry Christmas Sunday Dec 1st at 3 pm & Tuesday Dec 3rd at 7 pm.  Haliburton United Church


    December 8th Second Sunday of Advent – PEACE – Debbie Sherwin is preaching as Rev. Max is taking the day off.


    Monday December 9th at 2:00 pm Come join us and the residents sing along at Hyland Crest for a Musical Christmas.


    December 15th Third Sunday of Advent – JOY – Cantata and Joint Service with Hope United Church.


    Diner’s Club: Our Diner’s Club convener this year is Marie Lennard and it is being held on the second Thursday of every month; next one is on January 9th – no Diner’s Club in December.  If you are interested in any future dinners, please call Marie to get on the calling list at 705-286-3037.


    “Walk Away From Winter” Contact the Gardens of Haliburton at 705-457-4848 ext 105 if you are interested in a Winter stay at the Gardens.  Winter Living is Easy at the Gardens of Haliburton.


    Some Upcoming Christmas Events to keep in mind…


    Some Suggestions from your Outreach Committee to spread a little joy...


    1.      Christmas Basket Campaign (now Holiday Hampers): Individuals can request their Holiday Hamper between November 25th and December 6th from 10 am – 2 pm by calling 705-286-6400.  A drive-thru pick up of the hampers will be on Wednesday December 18th in the upper level of the Minden Arena parking lot by appointment.  Unwrapped toys can be left in drop boxes at various businesses or brought to the arena on December 16th between 10 am – 2 pm.


    2.      Hyland Crest Gifts:  Joan Grant is purchasing the gifts for Hyland Crest.  If you wish to donate towards the cost please use one of the envelopes on the back table.  Make sure you add your name and or envelope number to get a receipt.


    3.      Gifts with Vision:  we have a few books at the back to look at or go to www.giftswithvision.ca  to make you on-line donation.  These gifts support projects of our Canadian, Indigenous Canadian, and global Mission & Service partners.  Bring hope & healing to life!  Gifts of money are forwarded directly to the named recipient, net the cost of printing and distribution.


    Caroling, Comedy, & Cookies with Melissa & Max at Hope United Church on December 18th.  All are welcome.  Contact Rev. Max if you would like to read a poem, a joke or share a story.


    December 22nd Fourth Sunday of Advent – LOVE – Joyful Noisemakers will be joining us.


    December 24th at 3:00 pm we will offer a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. 


    Knitting For Warmth Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.  HHUC Lower Level.  For more information about KFW contact Mary at 705-286-5173.  


    Love Singing?  Consider joining the Choir!  Melissa and the Choir are seeking new voices to sing the hymns and an anthem each Sunday plus to prepare for the Christmas Cantata.  Rehearsals are on Thursdays between 4:30 and 5:30 weekly.  Join us for a limited time until the end of December or continue on being pat of the choir family indefinitely.  All singing voices welcome!


    Monday January 13th at 1:30 Lower Level of HHUC there will be the next Affirming Committee Meeting.




    Rev. Max


Weekly Church Announcements December 8, 2024


Service Sunday December 1, 2024