Service Sunday August 18, 2024

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Worship Leader: Rev. David Moore

All are Welcome!

Watch a recording of the whole video using YouTube below.

The Gathering

  • Welcome and Announcements.

  • Focusing Moment.

Acknowledgement of Land

We live and work and worship on treaty land in the heart of Anishinaabe nation. As we celebrate the rich bounty of harvest from local gardens from other places-fruits, vegetables, grains from the fields, -we are reminded that we are called into right relationship with the land and our neighbours at Curve Lake (Treaty 20). We affirm the need to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to strive for reconciliation.  

Call to Worship:


One: Disciples of Christ, have you come today to receive a good word?

All:  Yes! We come to receive a good word and blessing to carry with us into    the world.

One: God blessed Solomon in a dream. Are you ready to dream?

All: Yes! We come to dream of God’s blessings we will carry with us into the world.

One: God blesses us when we worship together. Are you ready to


All: Yes! We come to worship God together as we share in the

good word of God’s grace.

One: Then, come! Let us worship with rejoicing!

All:     Praise be to God who gives us wisdom and draws us

together as the family of God! Amen.

Hymn: “Seek ye first the kingdom”           VU #356

   1     Seek ye first the kingdom of God

       and God's righteousness,

       and all these things shall be added unto you.

       Hallelu, hallelujah.

2     Ask and it shall be given unto you;

       seek and you shall find;

       knock and the door shall be opened unto you.

       Hallelu, hallelujah.


3     We do not live by bread alone,

       but by every word

       that proceeds from the mouth of God.

       Hallelu, hallelujah.

Prayer for Today:                       

O God of Consistency, how good it is to hear your Word. How good it is to experience your Word for ourselves! For you are a God who keeps your Word! Close-up God, you sent us Jesus to show us how to match our words with our actions. For Jesus, there could be no “God bless you” without providing actual blessings. For Jesus, there could be no lip service to inclusiveness, but his ministry was to the poor and rich, to the Jew and to the Gentile, to the righteous and to the unrighteous, to the young and to the old, to men and to women. We continue to be honored by the grace that poured from Jesus’ lips and his actions. This Sunday we want to work to be consistent. We want to work to shed that “other face” and just show “one face” to the world. Teach us how to be consistent in all that we say and do. Deliver us from “nice-nastiness.” Take these earthen vessels we call our lives and make us “doers” of your Word. Just as we depend on you, God, let others be able to depend on us. Put in us the desire to be real. Make us “Examples of Your Word.” In the name of the One who embraced us and showed us how to embrace the unembraceable, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.



HYMN: “O Jesus, I Have Promised” VU #120

1     O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end;

       remain for ever near me, my Saviour and my friend:

       I shall not fear the journey if you are by my side,

       nor wander from the pathway if you will be my guide.


2     O let me feel you near me: the world is ever near;

       I see the sights that dazzle, the tempting sounds I hear;

       my foes are ever near me, around me and within;

       but, Jesus, then draw nearer and shield my soul from sin.


3     O let me hear you speaking in accents clear and still,

       above the storms of passion, the murmurs of self-will;

       O speak to reassure me, to hasten or control;

       now speak, and make me listen, O guardian of my soul.


4     O Jesus, you have promised to all who follow you,

       that where you are in glory your servant shall be too.

       And Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end;

       O give me grace to follow, my Saviour and my friend.

THE WORD      

Scripture:  1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14  Ephesians 5:15-20

Leader:   Hear and listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.

ALL:      Thanks be to God.


“A Heart of Discernment”


Hymn: “God of Grace and God of Glory”  VU #686

1     God of grace and God of glory,

            on your people pour your power;

       now fulfil your church's story;

            bring its bud to glorious flower.

       Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,

            for the facing of this hour.


2     Lo, the hosts of evil round us

            scorn your Christ, assail your ways;

       fears and doubts too long have bound us;

            free our hearts to work and praise.

       Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,

            for the living of these days.


3     Cure your children's warring madness,

            bend our pride to your control;

       shame our wanton selfish gladness,

            rich in goods and poor in soul.

       Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,

            lest we miss your kingdom's goal.


4     Set our feet on lofty places,

            gird our lives that they may be

       armoured with all Christlike graces,

            pledged to set all captives free.

       Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,

            that we fail not them nor thee.

Your Generosity Matters



In Unison:     

Holy God, in this moment of offering, we stand before you, acknowledging your boundless wisdom and unfailing love. As we present our gifts, we also lift our prayers for guidance and understanding. Grant us the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to walk in your ways, following the example set before us by Solomon. Bless these offerings and our lives, so that we may continue to worship you in spirit and truth.      Amen.

(1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14)


SUNG BLESSING:       “The Blessing Song” (John Wesley Oldham) once only

We wish you the blessing of faith to sustain you,

friends to support you, challenge to stir you,

songs to empower you, peace to refresh you,

tears to release you, laughter to heal you,

love to nurture your soul.

Sending Forth: 

One:    Beloved of God, go from this place blessed with:
And grace to share with all! Amen.

A Time of Fellowship

© Music Reproduced with permission under License number A-605748, Valid for: 26/10/2023 - 25/10/2024; One License - Copyright Cleared Music for Churches.


Weekly Church Announcements August 18, 2024


Weekly Church Announcements August 11, 2024